Bringing high level craftsmanship to transmission & distribution networks


132kV OHL Diversion - Trowse - Thorpe, Norwich


UKPN identified a need as part of their Alliance contract to Underground a significant section 132kV line between Trowse and Thorpe Substations in Norwich using Demirer 1600mm2 Alu AWS XLPE Cable with Alu Laminate Foil.

Wootton & Wootton were contracted by an ED1 Alliance Partner to provide Tyco approved Jointing resource for the installation of the 132kV cables within a cross bonded system.  This included the installation of sectionalised & non sectionalised Tyco 132kV 3 piece joints, link boxes (ground mounted & stantion mounted), steelwork modifications and C55/5 testing.

The works were successfully completed on budget and ahead of schedule.

Scope of Works.

To install 24 x sectionalised Tyco 132kV 3 Piece Joints including supply of bonding kits

To install 2 x non sectionalised Tyco 132kV 3 Piece Joints

To install 12 x 132kV Tyco sealing ends

To install 12 x link boxes including bonding lead installation and connections

To install 6 x ground linkboxes including bonding lead installation and connections

Carry out full C55/5 testing on Cross bonded system and Sheath Testing as requested




CALL US ON  01939 233 009 or 07802 366217